Ron Legrand

Ron LeGrand was recently appointed to the Addiction Policy Forum Board of Directors. As a person in the board, Mr. LeGrand joins prestigious leaders over the fields of prevention, treatment, recovery, criminal justice, and advocacy who work to aid patients, families, and communities impacted by addiction.

Ron LeGrand is a consultant and an attorney, licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia. He is currently serving as the Policy Director of the National Criminal Justice Association, and Research and Policy Consultant for Fair and Just Prosecution.

Ron LeGrand Net Worth

The first question people usually inquire about Ron is “what's his net worth?”

It has been difficult to track down.

Ron has stated previously that his net worth dropped $150M throughout the crash of 2008, as he had invested heavily in commercial real estate that tanked.

He also stated that whilst the crash wiped out nearly all of what he'd built-in the last 10 years, he could survive financially and planned to keep doing the exact same thing he'd be doing as the market picked back up.

So what's Ron LeGrand's net worth?

Given the explosion in commercial real estate value throughout the last 10 years, we estimate that Ron LeGrand's net worth is currently between $300M-$500M.

Having said that, that is only our own best guess as Ron doesn't disclose this information.

While Ron's net worth is obviously impressive, there are many real estate professionals around the globe doing similarly well for themselves.

What do Ron LeGrand's students say?

Reviews are mixed. “I personally like Ron legrand ,” wrote one Reddit user. “I went along to his quick start school (for free as a guest of a friend) and I ran with it. I made $4k on one deal 3 months later. I never looked back.”

Another Reddit user said they found Ron's stuff “very informative for anyone who was simply just getting started with no background in real estate.” They added that, while much of his training was oversimplified, his principles were solid.

“People need to realize that real estate is effort and no guru includes a shortcut since there isn't one. Is his stuff worth the buying price of admission? Most likely not, but I made more money in real estate than Used to do with my MS [Masters of Science] degree and his system will be a lot cheaper than six years of college. Suit yourself,” they wrote.

But not everybody was so kind. “ Ron LeGrand should really be hauled off to debtor's prison!” one person ranted. “His techniques pray on desperate those who have to think what he says in order to keep working mentally after they offer their last dollars to his hungry fraud machine.”

“This guy has left a trail of tears from Alaska to Florida and back again. Someone needs to avoid this man before anymore lives are ruined. Check and observe how many times his ventures have filed for bankruptcy!” they added
